Activate AR tracking

In order to activate AR tracking we can use the following command:

// on iOS ARKit and on Android ARCore will be used
await viewarApi.tracker.activate();

This only triggers the tracker activation. In order to get notified when the tracking is active we need to listen to a the `trackingTargetStatusChanged` event.

A full example would look like this:

import viewarApi from "viewar-api";

async function init() {
  function onTrackingChanges(evt) {
    alert(`is tracking ${evt.tracked}`);

  await viewarApi.init();
  await viewarApi.cameras.arCamera.activate();

  viewarApi.tracker.on("trackingTargetStatusChanged", onTrackingChanges);
  await viewarApi.tracker.activate();


Restart the application on your phone, then slightly move it to left to right filming the ground in front of you until you see the `is tracking true` alert. It should look like this:

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